Saturday, September 7, 2013

Issue Review: Jupiter's Legacy 2

The story begins with Brandon, son of Utopian, trying to use his powers for good. He and his friend move a large freighter through the air with Force Fields and Telekinesis.  However, they're drunk, and end up tipping it over and causing the containers to go sliding off the deck. Utopian and the other heroes have to show up and fix the situation, after which Utopian reprimands Brandon.  Meanwhile, in the hospital, Chloe recovers from her overdose and learns that she's pregnant.  She leaves the hospital and meets up with Hitch, her boyfriend, to tell him he's about to be a father.  Back in DC, Walter tries to use his mental powers to convince people in the White House to change the economic situation in America, and Utopian shows up to stop him.  Angry, Walter approaches Brandon, who is again drinking heavily in a night club, and asks him if he's willing to take down his father and replace him.
This story is engaging, with some unexpected twists and turns.  Chloe's pregnancy caught me off guard, and I think it could be interesting to watch a super-girl give birth to a super-baby.  Finding out she's dating the son of the "world's biggest super-villain" (who is not named in the story) definitely makes me curious -- about who the super-villain was, why the son is not following in dad's footsteps, and how Chloe ended up involved with him.   Millar also does a good job with the opposing sides of Walter and Sheldon in this issue.  Walter's ideas, though well-intended, sound chilling (he talks about writing a "manifesto" which brings to mind Karl Marx or Hitler), and he seems far too wiling to dictate behavior to others.  On the other hand, although Utopian is right to oppose these tactics, he also seems far too willing to blindly trust the correctness of the government.

Millar also does a good job with humor in this issue. I snickered when the kids almost capsized the freighter they were hovering up the coast, and the containers started to fall off the deck.  Chloe's super-scream in the hospital shattering the walls and windows was another chuckle moment.

That said, probably the biggest flaw in the first two issues of this series is that absolutely no one in the story is remotely likable.  The kids all come off as brats, and the adults as judgmental and intolerant.  Sheldon is too rigidly trusting of politicians; Walter is too willing to impose martial law "for the greater good."  I'm not quite sure who Millar thinks I'm going to root for in this series, but so far, there isn't anyone I feel like cheering on.  Therefore, although this book is technically good, I can't see myself continuing with it long term unless something changes to improve the likability of the main characters.

My score: 7/10

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